Welcome to Accounting Gurus
Security Standards
Unveil the layer of protection - fortifying businesses against evolving threats.

Privacy & Security
Privacy & security is our topmost priority
Secure Entry Procedures
Employees and authorized personnel are allowed entry exclusively through biometric verification and access cards.
USB Port and Device Restrictions
To prevent unauthorized data transfers and breaches, USB ports are disabled at workstations, ensuring that external drives cannot be connected
CCTV Surveillance Coverage
The entire work area and systems are continuously monitored under our comprehensive CCTV surveillance system.
Email Access Guidelines
Accessing personal email accounts is strictly forbidden, ensuring that work-related correspondence remains secure and private.
Personal Item and Cell Phone Policy
For the sake of security, cellular phones, bags, and personal articles are prohibited within the work area to safeguard sensitive information.
IP Authentication for Business Sites
It's secured through IP authentication, guaranteeing that only authorized parties can access sensitive information.